Otaki Women's 6x6x6 Tournament
Thursday 4th October 2018
6 x 6 x 6 Stableford
(6 fourball, 6 tricky 4-somes*, 6 ambrose)
Two Divisions Max hcp 40.4 (18 hole members)
$40 per pair (Includes morning tea)
Registration & morning tea from 9am
Shotgun start 10am
Lots of great prizes, raffles and sunshine!
Entries limited to 64 pairs so be quick
Contact Kay Wall (kwall@actrix.co.nz) or on 021 295 8763
Pay $40 online to 03-1532-0001180-00 with both surnames in code & reference and email golf numbers and names to Kay.
* One person tees off and alternate shots to the end of 6 holes