2024 Men's Interclub Programme
For 2024 Golf Wellington will run fourteen 18 hole divisions (in the weekend) and a 9 hole division (midweek), with over 1,500 golfers participating across all these competitions.
The Premier division is competed for over 18 holes on a neutral course, singles in the afternoon, teams of 10 players. In the first phase of the competition, teams play a round robin format for the Otaki Cup. In the second or playoff phase the top 4 teams play for the Duncan Cup and the bottom 3 play for the President's Salver and possible relegation.
The Championship division is competed for over 18 holes, singles with a teamball match played within the playing four. In the first phase of the competition, teams play a round robin format for the Waikanae Cup. In the second or playoff phase the top 4 teams play for the Schroder Trophy and possible promotion, and the bottom 4 play for the Dudding Shield and relegation.
In Divisions 1 to 11, matches are competed for over 18 holes, singles with a teamball match played within the playing four. Played on a home and away basis with the winners (eligible) being promoted to the next higher division and the last placed team relegated to a lower division. All of these divisions are matchplay off the stick.
In Division 12, matches are competed for over 18 holes, singles with a teamball match played within the playing four. Played on a home and away basis, this Divsion is played with the application of Golf NZ handicap indexes.
The 9 Hole competion is played midweek, primarily on Tuesdays. Teams of 4 players, singles matches and 4 ball matches, off handicap.
The Marquis Shield, played on a Sunday in the Wairarapa, the John Durry Salver held midweek, and the Mashie Trophy and Evergreens Trophy, are Interclub competitions run by the competing clubs within each comp.
Men's Interclub Divisions
There are not currently any Mens interclub divisions listed. Please check back soon.