Premier Bacon Wairarapa Men's Foursomes 36 Hole Open Tournament

Carterton Golf Club Sunday 6th July 2014. Please note: Entries on the day accepted

Gross and Nett Divisions
Field restricted to the first 70 paid up teams

Entry Fee: $70 /Team includes two's. Entries Close 5th July 2014

Reserve Day : Sunday 13th July. Postponement : Via text message on 6th July

Catering and Bar available


1Sunday - 8:30amB Mazey/ T Spearman-BurnsS Lyall/J Donnelly R Collings/D Kay
3Sunday - 8:30amD Sadler/B LambessN Bain/A UjkaD Render/J Spraggs
6Sunday - 8:30amM Beaumont/J O’ConnorT Rowntree/D ClarksonC Everson/S McNamara
8Sunday - 8:30amW Rohe/M GrahamK Hunter/G DuckettD O’Reilly/G Granich
11Sunday - 8:30amA Smith/L SayerM Lucock/A NorthM & B Spraggs
13Sunday - 8:30amD Wills/N TomlinM Wolland/J OggM & G Bowden
17Sunday - 8:30amW & L EvansB Crook/C Wibley-SmithJ Harp/B Chappell
1Sunday - 8:37amK Mountcastle/S Forrester
3Sunday - 8:37amC Ranish/T BarnardR Cummins/B PengallyD Gray/G Wilkins
8Sunday - 8:37amW McKnight/G HilstonB Ousey/S StewartJ Newman/M Foy
11Sunday - 8:37amS Diplock/A RawlinsC Owens/D BellG Murray/S Thomas
13Sunday - 8:37amT Tacon/P GilliesD Coley/L ButlerT Clayton/D Brown
17Sunday - 8:37amM Burnard/B ChappellB Curtis/B McHattieC Wilson/L Mason