WGI AGM postponed to 29 April 2020
Kia ora members of the Wellington golfing whānau
As we are all aware, over recent weeks the global pandemic referred to as “Coronavirus (COVID-19)” has impacted many countries around the world, including New Zealand. More recently, we have been made aware of confirmed cases within Wellington (3 in total as of 17th March), and the precautions many organisations are putting in place around social interactions, meetings and large events.
We, like many others, have been keeping a close eye on the information being provided by the Ministry of Health around COVID-19.
While the Ministry has not yet issued guidance on smaller public events, the Board of Wellington Golf Inc, have reviewed the situation, and made the decision to postpone the forthcoming AGM. This decision has not been taken lightly, given the key decisions that get made for our golfing community at this meeting. However, we feel that for the wellbeing of our people, it is better to err on the side of caution at this time.
As such, the AGM will be postponed until Wednesday, 29th April 2020. The situation with COVID-19 will continue to be monitored and should a further postponement be required, then this will be advised closer to the time.
From documents sent to all Clubs earlier in the month, much of the items for discussion were for the record (e.g. previous minutes, annual report, 2020 budget), all of which we feel can wait until the deferred date of the AGM. Other matters, however, do require some action.
We the WGI Board will progress two key items as follows: -
- In terms of our obligations under the Incorporated Societies provisions, our annual accounts are required to be approved by members at an AGM. The 2019 accounts are due for filing by 30 April 2020. Given the uncertainty of when our AGM may proceed, we are intending to seek an extension to the deadline for filing the 2019 accounts from the Incorporated Societies, relative to when our AGM can be held. However, should this request be refused, approval from Clubs will be sought via a postal vote.
- Our annual levies are set at the AGM. As indicated in the papers sent out, we have been working on an initiative to connect levies to CPI which was to be discussed and decided at the AGM. At this stage, as we are unable to approve the proposed change without this motion being approved at the AGM, invoices for the 2020 levies will be sent out utilising the current 2019 levels ($18.00+GST per full playing member; $9.00+GST per summer member and $11.00+GST per Club), with any further discussions on the CPI initiative being deferred until such time as the AGM can occur.
We trust that you will support us with this course of action, and respectfully request each Club reply by return email that you agree in principle. This would be greatly appreciated to enable us to continue to operate.
In addition to the above, the AGM confirms the election of the WGI President and Directors for the forthcoming year. As we have received limited nominations, please be advised that the following elections are declared.
• Only one nomination was received from Marty Scott for the role of WGI President. Therefore, as this role is uncontested, Marty is declared elected as the WGI President for a 1-year term from 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021.
• Only 3 nominations were received for the 4 WGI Board Director vacancies. Therefore, Peta Rogers, Di Patchett and Roselee Thurston are declared elected as WGI Directors for a 2-year term from 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2022.
• The 4th WGI director role will remain vacant, with myself stepping down for 2020. The vacancy will remain open and is for a 1-year term from 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021.
The motion to replace the WGI constitution with the updated version (circulated as part of the AGM papers) will be discussed and decided at the AGM.
In the meantime, please continue to be vigilant in managing your own health and those around you.
Take special care of those that may need extra assistance and keep abreast of the ever-changing situation via the Ministry of Health website
Finally, on behalf of the WGI Board, thank you for your understanding in these challenging times.
Noho ora mai
(Stay well, look after yourself, goodbye)
Carmen Blackler
Wellington Golf